It’s been three years, since CYA has had a newcomers party, and many Yalies have come to Colorado since. Given public health concerns, this time a gathering will be held virtually on Sunday August 16th, starting at 6:00 pm. With opportunities to meet people limited, a Zoom event to connect with fellow alums may be all the more appreciated. All alumni are invited in order to welcome newcomers, and the arrival date for “newcomer” is broadly defined.
With Zoom, people from all over the state can participate readily, and the hope is that we can use it to engage Yalies even when social distancing is lifted. This is an opportunity to see how the club can start to use virtual events in the schedule. A bonus is that alumni who have yet to move can participate in the newcomers party. Please pass the word to any new arrival you know, because they may not have updated their info on the YAA alumni directory. RSVP to Stephanie Grilli, and you’ll receive the Zoom address before the 16th: